Articles of Agreement of the World Bank Group

The Articles of Agreement of the World Bank Group serve as the foundation for the organization`s operations. These articles outline the purpose, structure, and functions of the World Bank Group, including its role in promoting economic development, reducing poverty, and supporting sustainable growth.

The World Bank Group is composed of five institutions that work together to provide financial and technical assistance to developing countries: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Development Association (IDA), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

The IBRD is the World Bank Group`s original institution and provides loans and other financial assistance to middle-income and credit-worthy countries. The IDA, on the other hand, provides grants and low-interest loans to the world`s poorest countries. The IFC supports private sector development in developing countries by providing financing and advisory services to businesses, while MIGA provides investment guarantees against political risks.

The Articles of Agreement also establish the governance structure of the World Bank Group. The Group`s highest decision-making body is the Board of Governors, which is composed of one governor and one alternate governor from each member country. The Board of Governors is responsible for setting the Group`s overall policies and objectives.

The World Bank Group is led by a President, who is appointed by the Board of Governors for a five-year term. The President is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the World Bank Group and oversees its staff.

One of the key functions of the World Bank Group is to promote economic development in developing countries. The Group does this by providing loans, grants, and technical assistance to support economic growth and poverty reduction. The World Bank Group works closely with governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to identify development priorities and design programs that can achieve sustainable results.

The Articles of Agreement also require the World Bank Group to operate with the highest standards of ethics and transparency. The Group is committed to preventing corruption and ensuring that its resources are used effectively and efficiently. It is also committed to respecting human rights and promoting social inclusion in its development programs.

In summary, the Articles of Agreement of the World Bank Group provide a framework for the organization`s operations and define its role in promoting economic development, reducing poverty, and supporting sustainable growth. The World Bank Group`s governance structure, leadership, and commitment to ethical and transparent operations are also established in these articles. As the World Bank Group continues to evolve and adapt to changing global development challenges, its Articles of Agreement will remain a critical document guiding its work.

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