Sample Retainer Agreement for Divorce

A Sample Retainer Agreement for Divorce: What You Need to Know

Divorce is often a challenging and emotional process that requires the assistance of legal professionals. Whether you are an attorney or a client seeking legal advice, it is essential to have a clear and concise agreement in place before moving forward with any divorce proceedings. In this article, we will discuss a sample retainer agreement for divorce and what you need to know about its contents.

Retainer Agreement Basics

A retainer agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms of the relationship between a client and their attorney. It is a formal contract that establishes the scope of the legal services to be provided, the fee structure, and the client`s obligations throughout the engagement. A retainer agreement is a crucial element of any legal engagement and helps both parties understand their rights and responsibilities.

Sample Retainer Agreement for Divorce

A sample retainer agreement for divorce should include several essential elements. These elements are designed to protect both the client and the attorney and ensure that all parties understand the expectations of the engagement. The following are some important considerations when drafting a retainer agreement for a divorce proceeding:

Scope of Representation: The scope of representation outlines the specific legal services that the attorney will provide to the client. In a divorce proceeding, this may include legal advice, representation in court, and assistance with negotiations. The scope of representation should be clear and comprehensive to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

Fee Structure: The fee structure outlines the attorney`s billing rates and payment terms. In a divorce proceeding, the attorney will typically charge an hourly rate for their services. The fee structure should also include any other expenses that may be incurred, such as court filing fees or expert witness fees. The client should be aware of the fee structure before agreeing to the retainer agreement.

Conflicts of Interest: The retainer agreement should also include a section on conflicts of interest. This section outlines any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the engagement, such as representing both parties in a divorce proceeding. If a conflict of interest arises, the attorney will typically withdraw from the engagement.

Client Obligations: The retainer agreement should also include a section on the client`s obligations. This may include providing all necessary documentation and information, attending all scheduled meetings and court appearances, and communicating effectively with the attorney. The client`s failure to fulfill their obligations may result in termination of the engagement.

Termination of Engagement: The retainer agreement should also include a section on the termination of the engagement. This section outlines the circumstances under which the engagement may be terminated, such as a breach of the retainer agreement or a conflict of interest. The section should also include the process for terminating the engagement.


A retainer agreement is an essential document for any legal engagement, including a divorce proceeding. It outlines the terms of the relationship between the client and the attorney, including the scope of representation, fee structure, conflicts of interest, client obligations, and termination of the engagement. By understanding the contents of a retainer agreement, you can protect yourself and your rights during a divorce proceeding.

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